Deliberative Dialogue: Political Polarization
Join First Congregational United Church of Christ and Calvary Lutheran Church for a Deliberative Dialogue on Political Polarization. This Zoom video conference discussion, which examines our interests in this issue and asks participants to review and respond to three different…
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How Did We Get Here? Understanding Racial Inequities Event
We are a people with the capacity for curiosity, for compassion, for community, and for conversation. As we all take stock of the state of racial inequities in our nation, connect with us live for an important panel Discussion: How…
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One Great Hour of Sharing
Our next call to give is on support of One Great Hour Of Sharing. Thank you for your generous giving in our recent call to support Cahoots in their food ministry. As that campaign comes to a close, we want…
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Support Cahoots Lunch Program
Dear Friends in Christ, Thank you for your interest in supporting Cahoot’s Lunch Program for youth. It originally began with a grant from REMC to cover snow days and the five days of spring break as a help to families…
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Nikki Shaw’s Ordination
You are cordially invited to Nikki Shaw’s Ordination on January 5th at 2 pm at Peace United Church of Christ, 9123 Aboite Center Rd., Fort Wayne, IN 46804. Nikki, who will join us in January as our new settled pastor,…
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Welcome Our New Pastor, Rev. Nikki Shaw!
On Sunday, Nov. 3 we voted to call the Rev. Nicole Shaw to be our next settled pastor. Pastor Nikki accepted our call, so now we will move together into our next exciting era! It was an exciting day. Pastor…
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Pastor Deb’s & Paul’s Final Sunday
On Sunday, June 23rd, we will say our farewells to Pastor Deb and Paul during and after worship. During worship Pastor Deb will officially release us as her congregation and we will release her as our pastor. During coffee hour…
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Meet Our New Administrative Assistant
Michelle Armstrong (left) is our new office manager. She has lived in Steuben County 26 years, and she currently lives on Lake James. She’s married to Dave and they own Armstrong Heating and Air Conditioning. They have three sons: Joe,…
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Need Emergency Shelter?
The entrance doors to our church building will remain open until 9pm each night for ANYONE needing to come in and wait out the intense cold. Those already inside after 9pm are invited to stay as long as is needed…
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