Tag Archive: church
Letters to the Church Book Study 7pm
Letters To The Church
In September we had a shared Deliberative Dialogue with the good people at Calvary Lutheran Church and their pastor, Rev. Daryl Emowrey. Together on Zoom we talked about the very real political divide in our nation that bleeds into our…
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From the Pastor’s Screen – August 2020
Jim Harris recently shared with me and some other of our church members a bit of history on our stained glass windows. He began with an invitation to peek at some of our stained glass windows, one of which has…
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Children’s Church 2pm
Sunday Fellowship Online 11:15am
After worship each week, join us for virtual fellowship on Zoom, a video conferencing app. You can join the conversation but going to https://bit.ly/FCUCCSundayFellowship, but you’ll need a password to get in. We’ll send that via email each week with…
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Church Council Meeting 11:30am
Nikki Shaw’s Ordination
You are cordially invited to Nikki Shaw’s Ordination on January 5th at 2 pm at Peace United Church of Christ, 9123 Aboite Center Rd., Fort Wayne, IN 46804. Nikki, who will join us in January as our new settled pastor,…
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Church Directory Photo Shoot
Mark your calendars now… October 6 or 13, for new church directory photos! If you have any questions contact Vicki Harris